The growing and learning continue…

It is time to wrap up my Major project for #eci831. My garden has grown, and I have grown in my gardening knowledge and in the way I can navigate the internet, apps and a variety of platforms to learn new things.

Final garden tour complete with real bird sounds!

Before and After photos sum up the work that has been done. The part that I am most proud of is the vegetable garden. It was planted with thought, research and intention. The plants have been paired with others that will encourage growth, the proper seeding directions were followed and the placement of the plants was carefully considered according to my research. I can’t wait to see what the final product is! Regardless, I love watching the garden grow as there are noticeable changes every week.

Before- not knowing what everything is.
After- I have now identified all the plants and know how to care for them.
Final mystery plant bloomed this week- Blanketflower (Thanks to Virtual Look Up on my iPhone.)
First Day Lily bloom this week.

My favourite sources for this assignment have been: Feedly, TikTok, Youtube and Twitter.

Thanks for following along!